Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Starting to Feel Like a Uni Student, With Uni Student Problems

The academic year hasn’t even begun and I already feel like a genuine uni student – I have had my personal details cocked up (specifically, my date of birth, a rather important one), resulting in being locked out of the online enrolment process until actually speaking with admin, who advised me that once my details are in the system, insanely inaccurate as they may be, it is up to me to prove that they are wrong. Specifically, this involves bringing 5 million points of ID to varying departments on campus until they believe me. I have decided it is easier to now celebrate my birthday 10 days later.
Due to a combination of auto-allocated and personal preference class times, my timetable will have me at school five days a week. Despite two of those days containing no more than one one-hour lecture AT 8AM. That is, of course, if I get my first timetable preferences. You see, it’s two weeks before start of term and I have not received my timetable yet. I’m sure that’s not a hassle for my 18 year old counterparts whose iPhone calendars are sparsely populated with “Bash that chick who was with Jesse while I was on Schoolies” and “Mick’s 21st OMG!”. However, my very paper diary is bursting with standing appointments for waxes, very exclusive hair activities and acupuncture, dates for dinner with other couples (ie. dates one of the few members can’t easily drop out of), vague wedding-related things, work appointments, and the initial activities required for the planning of a 3 week trip to Italy... so yeah, I need my timetable or some people are going to be very mad at me in the next few months.
I am also stressing about the opening of parking permit buying time at 9am tomorrow. It’s like when (insert favourite band) tickets go on sale the next day and you’re afraid you’re going to call every 30 seconds from 8.59am only to be met with that heart-wrenching busy tone before tickets sell out within 10 minutes to people with better phones, or better karma. Only the parking permit thing will determine my crankiness level for a whole year, not one Saturday night. I hope I get one, I would totally camp out for that shiz.
I am also adjusting my wardrobe choices. Although not a fan of stick-up-the-butt corporate, I have spent the last few years cultivating an enviable designer wardrobe of work-to-out chic. Now I’m swapping blazers for cardigans, suit pants for skinny jeans, and millions of flats for millions of different kinds of flats. Actually I’m pretty excited to be wearing slouchy, probably dirty, khaki cargos, frayed at the bottom from when I’ve worn them with thongs... I feel like after being in such a WORK work environment I will revel in a more relaxed approach to my days. I may even get really crazy and buy some bubble gum and chew it and blow bubbles. Starting to feel like a kid again is definitely an upside to, you know, being around annoying kids.  
Amazingly, I am sort of enjoying having this whole new set of uni student problems simply because they’re a relief from full-on adult work and social problems. It’s easier to deal with the uni’s crappy online enrolment system, which I have no control over, than with a super-important work project that I can control and therefore MUST MAKE PERFECT. I don’t want to get ahead of myself or anything, but possibly uni life will be more relaxing than a reasonably high pressure job..? If not, you can all come along for the ride and watch, watch as my dreams are shattered and learn from my naivety!

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